
पेट के कीड़े intestinal worms in hindi


Human body में अनेक प्रकार के Worms पाये जाते है। कुछ worms इतने छोटे होते है कि उन्हें हम अपनी आँखों से नहीं देख सकते लेकिन कुछ ऐसे होते है जिन्हें बड़ी आसानी से देख सकते है। कुछ worms body में disease उत्पन्न करते है। disease उत्पन्न करने वाले worms खुन चूसते रहते है। human body में intestines में worms की उपस्थिति को Intestinal Worms कहा जाता है। intestinal worms सभी में पाये जाते है लेकिन यह children's में अधिक पाये जाते है ।


Intestinal worms अनेक प्रकार की होती है जो इस प्रकार है Thread worm (सूत की तरह कृमि)

  • Long round worm (लम्बा गोल कृमि)
  • Tape worm (फीता कृमि) Hook worm (अंकुश कृमि)
  • Whip worm (प्रदोत कृमि)


  • Undercooked food (अधपके भोजन) का प्रयोग ।
  • Contaminated water तथा food का use करना।
  • Contaminated soil (मिट्टी) का consumption
  • Hygiene की कमी
  • Poor sanitation (साफ सफाई का अभाव) Contaminated faces (मल) के contact में रहना
  • Constipation (कब्ज)


  • Abdominal pain (पेट दर्द) तथा Tenderness
  • Diarrhea (दस्त)
  • Nausea and vomiting (उल्टी और जी घबराना) 
  • Unexplained weight loss (अकारण वजन घटना)
  • Fatigue (थकान)
  • Bloating अथवा गैस
  • Dysentery (पतले दस्त)
  • Rectum अथवा Vulva में Rashes तथा itching होती है।
  • कुछ लोगो के stool मे worms present रहते है।


  • Intestinal worms हो जाने पर Patient को खीरा, ककड़ी, कच्चे फल-फूल, आलू, माँस, मछली, चीनी, मिठाई, गुड़, खटाई आदि का use नहीं करना चाहिए।
  • Patient को Nutrition युक्त Diet देना चाहिए। blood की कमी होने पर
  • टॉनिक तथा हरे पत्तेदार सब्जियों का ज्यादा use करना चाहिए। खुले में शौच
  • नहीं करनी चाहिए तथा शौच के लिए नंगे पैर नहीं जाना चाहिए।


Roundworm (गोल कृमी हेतु)

  • Tab Mebex 100 mg (mebendazole 100 mg) सुबह शाम खाने के बाद तीन दिन तक दी जानी चाहीये


  • Tab Bandy (Albendazole 400 mg) सप्ताह मे एक बार चार सप्ताह तक दी जानी चाहीये


  • Tab Nemocid (pyrantel pamoate 250mg) तीन गोली एक साथ दी जानी चाहीयें


  • Tab Tab Dicaris adults (Levamisole 150 mg) एक ही खुराक दी जानी चाहिये

Thread worm (सुत्र कृमि हेतु)

  • Tab mebex_100mg (mebendazole) सुबह शाम पन्द्रह दिनो तक दी जाये ।


  • Tab Bandy (Albendazole 400 mg) सुबह शाम तीन दिनो तक दी जानी चाहियें

Tape worm (फीता कृमि हेतु)

  • Tab Bandy (Albendazole 400 mg) सुबह शाम तीन दिनो तक या Tab Niclosan (Niclosamide 500 mg) 4 गोली एक साथ प्रथम खुराक खाली पेट तथा उसके बाद 2 गोली रोज सुबह शाम छः दिनो तक दी जानी चाहीये

Hookworms (अंकुश कृमि हेतु)

  • Tab Nemocid 250 mg (pyrantel 250mg) तीन गोली एक साथ


Intestinal worms, also known as helminth infections or parasitic worms, are a common health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. These worms reside in the gastrointestinal tract, causing various symptoms and complications. The most common types of intestinal worms include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms.

Infestation with intestinal worms can occur through the consumption of contaminated food or water, poor hygiene practices, close contact with infected individuals or animals, and walking barefoot on soil contaminated with worm eggs. Symptoms of intestinal worm infestation may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, anemia, fatigue, and itching around the anus.

To diagnose intestinal worm infections, doctors may conduct stool examinations to identify the presence of worm eggs or larvae. Treatment typically involves the administration of anthelmintic medications, such as albendazole or mebendazole, which help eliminate the worms from the body. In some cases, multiple rounds of treatment may be necessary.

Prevention of intestinal worm infections can be achieved through various measures, including maintaining good hygiene practices such as washing hands with soap and clean water, ensuring proper sanitation, washing and cooking food thoroughly, avoiding consumption of raw or undercooked meat and fish, and wearing shoes to prevent soil-transmitted infections.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1.How do I know if I have intestinal worms?

Common symptoms of intestinal worm infestation include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, anemia, fatigue, and itching around the anus. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis.

2.How are intestinal worm infections diagnosed? 

Diagnosis of intestinal worm infections is usually done through stool examinations. A stool sample is examined under a microscope to detect the presence of worm eggs or larvae.

3.What is the treatment for intestinal worm infections?

Treatment typically involves the use of anthelmintic medications, such as albendazole or mebendazole. These medications help eliminate the worms from the body. In some cases, multiple rounds of treatment may be required.

4.How can intestinal worm infections be prevented?

Intestinal worm infections can be prevented by practicing good hygiene, including regular handwashing with soap and clean water, ensuring proper sanitation, washing and cooking food thoroughly, avoiding consumption of raw or undercooked meat and fish, and wearing shoes to prevent soil-transmitted infections.

5.Are intestinal worm infections common? 

Intestinal worm infections are common, especially in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices. They can affect people of all ages, particularly children in developing countries.

6.Can pets transmit intestinal worms to humans? 

Yes, pets such as dogs and cats can transmit certain types of intestinal worms to humans. It is important to maintain good hygiene when handling pets and to regularly deworm them as recommended by a veterinarian.

7.Are there any long-term complications of intestinal worm infections? 

Chronic or untreated intestinal worm infections can lead to various complications, including malnutrition, stunted growth in children, anemia, organ damage, and impaired cognitive development.

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