
abdominal pain in hindi (पेट दर्द )

ABDOMINAL PAIN (पेट दर्द )

  • Abdomen area में inside और outer muscles wall में mild से लेकर  severe type के pain को abdomen pain कहा जाता है।


  • Infection (संक्रमण)
  • किसी organ का Enlargement
  • Constipation, diarrhea, vomiting (ch, GR, BEC)
  • Gas/acidity 
  • Over eating (अधिक भोजन करना)
  • Muscies spasm अथवा stress (मांसपेशियों की एंठन)
  • Appendicitis (उंडुकशोथ)
  • Liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • Stomach problem
  • Intestine problem
  • Gall bladder Problems

Abdomen को अलग अलग Region तथा quadrants में divide किया गया है। जिसमें कुल नौ imaginary quadrants आते है। हर quadrants में pain उस quadrants में present organ में abnormality की वजह से हो सकता है। यह Nine region इस प्रकार है।

1. Right Hypocondriac Region (Right Upper) यह Region Abdomen में Right side में उपर की ओर स्थित है तथा इससे होने वाला pain, Liver, gallbladder, Right Kidney and small intestine की abnormality की ओर इशारा करता है।

2. Epigastric Region (Upper/Middle) यह Region Abdomen के - upper middle part में स्थित है जसमें होने वाला pain, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, spleen, adrenal glands abnormity ओर इशारा करता हो ।

3.Left Hypochondriac Region (Upper left) - Region Abdomen के upper left part में माना जाता है इसमें spleen, colon, left kidney तथा pancreas आता है। अगर इस region में pain होता है तो उक्त Organ में abnormality के बारे में सोचना चाहिए।

4. Right lumbar Region (Middle Right) - Region abdomen middle right side में imagine किया जाता है। इससे pain होने पर हमें gallbladder, liver तथा right colon में abnormality के बारे में सोचना चाहिए| 

5. Umbilical Region (Center) - यह Region सभी नौ region के center में imagine किया जाता है। इस region में pain होने पर umbilicus, jejunum (the part of small intestine between duodenum and ileum), ileum (third cecum), duodenum में difficulty के बारे में सोचना चाहिए।

6. Left lumbar Region (middle left) Region middle left imagine किया जाता है। इसमें होने वाला pain descending colon तथा left kidney को सम्बन्धित हो सकता है।

7. Right iliac fossa (Lower Right) - Lower right part abdomen में imagine किया जाता है। इसमें होने वाला pain appendix and cecum (A pouch connected to the junction of small and large intestine) में Abnormality की वजह से हो सकता है।

8. Hypogastric Region (lower, Middle) - Region abdomen के middle lower part में imagine किया जाता है तथा इसमें होने वाला दर्द Urinary bladder, sigmoid colon तथा female reproductive organ में abnormality की वजह से हो सकता है।

9. Left lilac Fossa - Region abdomen lower left part में imagine किया जाता है। इसमें होने वाला pain descending colon तथा sigmaid colon में abnormality को दर्शाता है।


  • अगर Right Hypochondrium Region में Pain हो तो निम्न treatment किया जाना चाहिए ।
  • अगर palpable तथा Tender हो तथा jaundice की स्थिति हो तो Hepatitis का treatment किया जाना चाहिए || 
  • अगर Tenderness costal margin के नीचे हो तो यह chronic colecysitis हो सकता है। 

Colecyctitis होने पर

  • Inj. Dynapar_1ml (Diclofenac 75mg) मांसपेशी में जब दर्द हो तब लगाया जा सकता है। 

Fever हेतु

  • Tab Pacimol (Paracetamol) जब जरूरत हो तब दी जानी चाहिए

Infection Control हेतू

  • Inj. Augmentin (Amoxicillin & Potassium clavunate) 1.2gm शिरामार्ग से रोजाना एक injection पांच दिनों तक लगाया जाना चाहिए ।

Vomiting रोकने हेतु

  • Inj. Perinorm 2ml (Metoclopramide) मांसपेशी से दिया जाना चाहिए || 
  • हालांकि Colecystitis की स्थिति में stone surgery से अलग कर देना ही इसका permanent treatment होगा ।

अगर Pain Epigastric Region में हो तब

Epigastric region में सामान्य pain होने पर

  • Tab Rantac 150mg (Ranitidine) खाली पेट सुबह शाम दी जानी चाहिए। 
  • Tab Spasmonil (Dicyclomine and paracetamol Hydrochloride) सुबह  शाम दी जानी चाहिए ।

ACIDITY कम करने हेतु

  • Syp Mucain gel दो चम्मच सुबह शाम दी जानी चाहयें
  • Tab Metrogyl_400mg (Metronidazole) सुबह दोपहर शाम Antibiotic के तौर पर दी जानी चाहिए।

अगर Epigastric Region में Pain का कारण duodenal ulcer हो तो उसका treatment करना चाहिए ।

Abdominal Pain Conclusion: 

Abdominal pain is a common symptom that can have various causes, ranging from mild to severe. Some possible causes of abdominal pain include:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Conditions such as indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, or gastroenteritis can lead to abdominal pain.
  • Appendicitis: Inflammation of the appendix can cause severe abdominal pain, usually requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Gallstones: These are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder, and if they block the bile ducts, it can result in sharp or cramp-like abdominal pain.
  • Kidney Stones: Stones formed in the kidneys can cause severe pain when they pass through the urinary tract.
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Infections in the urinary tract can cause lower abdominal pain, along with other symptoms like frequent urination or a burning sensation.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): This is a chronic disorder affecting the large intestine, causing abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.
  • Gynecological Issues: Conditions like menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause abdominal pain in women.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other potential causes of abdominal pain. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause based on your symptoms, medical history, and any necessary diagnostic tests.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: When should I seek medical help for abdominal pain?

A: It's advisable to seek medical help if you experience severe, persistent, or worsening abdominal pain, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like fever, vomiting, blood in stool, difficulty breathing, or fainting.

Q2: How is the cause of abdominal pain diagnosed? 

A: Diagnosis involves a combination of medical history review, physical examination, and possibly additional tests such as blood work, imaging (e.g., ultrasound, CT scan), or endoscopic procedures.

Q3: Can stress or anxiety cause abdominal pain? 

A: Yes, stress and anxiety can contribute to abdominal pain. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be triggered or worsened by stress.

Q4: Are there home remedies for relieving abdominal pain? 

A: Home remedies may help alleviate mild abdominal pain caused by indigestion or gas. Examples include over-the-counter antacids, applying a heating pad to the area, drinking herbal teas (like peppermint or ginger), or practicing relaxation techniques.

Q5: Should I use pain medications for abdominal pain? 

A: It's best to consult a healthcare professional before taking any pain medications, as they can have side effects or interact with other medications. They will advise you on the most suitable options based on your condition.

Remember, this information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're concerned about your abdominal pain, please consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

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