· Having
a hard time passing the stool and experiencing constipation
यह अधिकतर निम्न कारणों से होता हैं :-
- भोजन में Fibber की कमी
- पानी का कम use करना
- भोजन में फलों और सब्जियों की कमी
- Get some exercise
- Being pregnant
- Depression and Anxiety
- Absence of stool passage (Stool pass)
- Pain in the middle of the abdomen and cramps
- Abdomen swelling•
- दस्त करने की इच्छा
- Stool pass (sometimes known as poison) is a term used to describe objects that pass through a toile
- Abdomen swelling
- दस्त करने की इच्छा
- Stool pass (sometimes known as poison) is a term used to describe objects that pass through a toilet
- दस्त करने की इच्छा
- Stool pass (sometimes known as poison) is a term used to describe objects that pass through a toilet
- Abdomen swelling
Constipation is a condition that can cause discomfort. कब्ज के उपचार हेतु
Julax (Besacodyl) 2 tablet rat ko sone
time gungne pani me lena chaiye
Spy looz (Lactulose solution) 30ml Rat ko sone time dena chahiye
Liq. Paraffin 30 ml (रात को सोते समय देना चाहिए
A sense of relief
enema in 500 millilitres, 30 millilitres
अगर costipation हो तो
- Isabgol, "Constipation," "Isabgol," " उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
- Laxatives are used to induce diarrhoea
- Constipation, hypothyroidism, normal thyroid function, and a normal TSH level are all present.